Real Alcázar de Sevilla tickets

Patio de Banderas , s/n 41004 Sevilla

De 33,00€


Découvrez tout le luxe et la somptuosité du Real Alcázar de Séville. Un palais déclaré Monument de l'Humanité par l'Unesco que ne vous laissera pas indéfendable. Perdez-vous dans ses jardins et ses cours et ressentez la magie de l'art islamique.

Art islamique dans la capitale andalouse: Real Alcázar de Sevilla

Achetez votre billet et connaissez l'Alcazar de Séville dans toute sa splendeur et sans files d’attente. Avec ce billet prioritaire, vous aurez accès à tout le complexe et pourrez rester aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez tout en admirant la beauté incontestée de ce palais.

L'Alcazar de Séville est la résidence royale quand les rois sont à Séville. De plus, c'est le plus ancien palais royal d'Europe et l'état de conservation dans lequel il se trouve est enviable. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, vous visiterez un monument classé au Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco.

Le palais a commencé à être construit au Moyen Âge, mais avec le temps,  de nouveaux éléments ont été ajoutés à la construction, alors nous pouvons voir de l'art islamique, mudéjar, gothique, Renaissance, maniériste et baroque. Vous avez rarement visité un site avec autant de mélanges artistiques et historiques!

Ne doutez pas et si vous visitez la capitale andalouse, achetez vos billets pour l'Alcazar et découvrez tout ce qu'elle peut vous offrir.


  • Octobre - mars: tous les jours de 9h30 à 17h00
  • Avril - septembre: tous les jours de 9h30 à 19h00
  • Vérifiez les options de la visite guidée

* Fermé: les 1er et 6 janvier, le vendredi saint et le 25 décembre

Que comprend mon billet pour le Real Alcázar de Seville

Le prix de votre billet comprend l'accès à l'Alcazar ou l'accès à l'Alcazar avec un guide professionnel pour les options de visites guidées.

Avec vos billets, vous aurez un accès gratuit à toutes les zones du palais (sauf Chambres Hautes Royales), ainsi que des billets prioritaires et des réductions. Pour profiter des réductions, vous devez prouver votre condition lorsque vous entrez.


* Il est nécessaire d'imprimer le bon
* En cas d'impossibilité de créditer les réductions, vous devez acquérir l'entrée générale.

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Patio de Banderas , s/n 41004 Sevilla

Autobús: 05, 01, B4, C2<br /> Metro: L1<br /> Tren: C4<br />

Choisissez votre billet

Visite guidée au Real Alcázar de Séville
(Tour du matin)

Accédez à l'Alcazar avec un guide professionnel bilingue (espagnol, anglais)

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De 34,00€

Opinions (209)

(Aruba) 20/09/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 15/09/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Argentina) 14/09/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Andorra) 13/09/2019

fantastic day!

(Bolivia) 13/09/2019

on time

(Anguilla) 19/08/2019

it was fast, excelent

(United Arab Emirates) 17/08/2019

we enjoy

(Armenia) 16/08/2019

very gratefull

(Austria) 15/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Burkina Faso) 14/08/2019

Great service

(Aland Islands) 13/08/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 10/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Antigua and Barbuda) 10/08/2019


(Andorra) 10/08/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Argentina) 23/07/2019

fantastic day!

(Belgium) 22/07/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burundi) 20/07/2019

access fast and easy

(Albania) 12/07/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Austria) 11/07/2019

Great service

Alfonso (Burundi) 23/06/2019

on time

(Aland Islands) 20/06/2019

very fast

(Saint Barthelemy) 15/06/2019

very gratefull

(Bangladesh) 19/05/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bermuda) 12/05/2019

access fast and easy

(Burkina Faso) 11/05/2019

all its ok

(Brunei Darussalam) 11/05/2019

access fast and easy

(Azerbaijan) 23/04/2019

very fast

(Bahrain) 19/04/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/04/2019


(Barbados) 15/04/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(American Samoa) 14/04/2019

we enjoy

(Aruba) 22/03/2019

we enjoy

(Aland Islands) 22/02/2019

perfect, acces easy

Asunción (Barbados) 21/02/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 17/02/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bangladesh) 11/02/2019

fantastic day!

(Bermuda) 10/02/2019

we enjoy

Toni (Burkina Faso) 21/01/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Bermuda) 18/01/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/01/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Azerbaijan) 13/01/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Saint Barthelemy) 12/01/2019

very fast

(United Arab Emirates) 22/09/2018

very fast

(Antigua and Barbuda) 22/09/2018

very fast

(Bulgaria) 21/09/2018

all its ok

(Antarctica) 19/09/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Benin) 17/09/2018


(Saint Barthelemy) 13/09/2018

we repeat

(Austria) 23/08/2018

Great service

(Australia) 12/08/2018

all its ok

(Andorra) 12/08/2018

we enjoy

(American Samoa) 10/08/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Andorra) 22/07/2018

we repeat

(Argentina) 19/07/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

Jhon Van (Austria) 12/07/2018

all its ok

(Aruba) 12/07/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Barbados) 19/06/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

Ricardo (Bolivia) 17/06/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Burundi) 16/06/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Albania) 15/06/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Barbados) 12/06/2018

very fast

(Brunei Darussalam) 12/06/2018

Just on time, good organization

(American Samoa) 23/05/2018

we enjoy

Natalie (Antigua and Barbuda) 20/05/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Azerbaijan) 13/05/2018

Great service

(United Arab Emirates) 11/05/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Bangladesh) 23/04/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(United Arab Emirates) 19/04/2018

we enjoy

(Austria) 18/04/2018

on time

(Bahrain) 18/04/2018

very fast

(American Samoa) 13/04/2018

all its ok

(Antarctica) 12/04/2018

access fast and easy

(Antarctica) 11/04/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Azerbaijan) 10/04/2018

very fast

Melisa (Bolivia) 14/03/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bangladesh) 13/03/2018

we repeat

(Belgium) 11/03/2018

very fast

(Andorra) 10/03/2018


(United Arab Emirates) 23/02/2018

we enjoy

(Belgium) 23/02/2018

all its ok

(Belgium) 22/02/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Argentina) 20/02/2018

very fast

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 20/02/2018

fantastic day!

Rita (Antarctica) 17/02/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Benin) 17/02/2018

all its ok

(Bolivia) 16/02/2018

fantastic day!

(Benin) 14/02/2018

access fast and easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 11/02/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Anguilla) 23/01/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 21/01/2018

access fast and easy

Jhon (Anguilla) 19/01/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Bermuda) 13/01/2018

on time

(Angola) 19/09/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bangladesh) 19/09/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Brunei Darussalam) 18/09/2017

Just on time, good organization

(American Samoa) 17/09/2017

very gratefull

(Bermuda) 10/09/2017

very gratefull

(Andorra) 10/08/2017

on time

(Antigua and Barbuda) 22/07/2017

Great service

(United Arab Emirates) 21/07/2017

it was fast, excelent

(American Samoa) 20/07/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Azerbaijan) 16/07/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/07/2017

on time

(Bangladesh) 14/07/2017

access fast and easy

Asunción (Benin) 12/07/2017

all its ok

(Bermuda) 11/07/2017

access fast and easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 23/06/2017

fantastic day!

(Bulgaria) 23/06/2017

very gratefull

(Burkina Faso) 19/06/2017

Great service

(Bermuda) 12/06/2017

access fast and easy

(Barbados) 10/06/2017

fantastic day!

(Bermuda) 23/05/2017

very fast

(Belgium) 22/05/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(American Samoa) 16/05/2017

we enjoy

(Anguilla) 15/05/2017

perfect, acces easy

Jhon (Burundi) 12/05/2017

fantastic day!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 10/05/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Belgium) 17/04/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Andorra) 15/04/2017

all its ok

(Bermuda) 15/04/2017

access fast and easy

(Albania) 11/04/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Aland Islands) 10/04/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 10/04/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Angola) 20/03/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Bahrain) 19/03/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Aruba) 18/03/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Benin) 13/03/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Albania) 13/03/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Burundi) 13/03/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Bolivia) 13/03/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Aruba) 10/03/2017


(Benin) 23/02/2017

we enjoy

(United Arab Emirates) 20/02/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(American Samoa) 19/02/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Bahrain) 19/02/2017

fantastic day!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 17/02/2017

very fast

(Burundi) 17/02/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Benin) 17/02/2017

access fast and easy

(Austria) 15/02/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Andorra) 23/01/2017

fantastic day!

(Afghanistan) 19/01/2017

very fast

(Anguilla) 19/01/2017

very fast

(Burundi) 18/01/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/01/2017

Great service

(Brunei Darussalam) 15/01/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bangladesh) 14/01/2017

on time

(Netherlands Antilles) 12/01/2017

we repeat

(Argentina) 11/01/2017

on time

(Aland Islands) 10/01/2017

very gratefull

(Anguilla) 10/01/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Antarctica) 10/01/2017

access fast and easy

(Burundi) 18/09/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Aland Islands) 13/09/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bermuda) 19/08/2016


(Andorra) 19/08/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(United Arab Emirates) 19/08/2016

fantastic day!

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/08/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(United Arab Emirates) 16/08/2016

on time

(Anguilla) 23/07/2016

we enjoy

(Benin) 21/07/2016

very gratefull

(Australia) 14/07/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 13/07/2016

Great service

(Saint Barthelemy) 12/07/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Brunei Darussalam) 12/07/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bulgaria) 20/06/2016

very gratefull

Jhon (Barbados) 19/06/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Afghanistan) 19/06/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Netherlands Antilles) 16/06/2016

very fast

(Antigua and Barbuda) 10/06/2016

fantastic day!

(Burkina Faso) 10/06/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Bulgaria) 19/05/2016


(Azerbaijan) 17/05/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Benin) 14/05/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Armenia) 14/05/2016

on time

(Austria) 22/04/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Argentina) 19/04/2016

all its ok

(Benin) 18/04/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Barbados) 17/04/2016

all its ok

(Bahrain) 17/04/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bolivia) 13/04/2016

perfect, acces easy

(United Arab Emirates) 13/04/2016

Great service

(American Samoa) 13/04/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bermuda) 11/04/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Armenia) 19/03/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Belgium) 18/03/2016


(Antarctica) 13/03/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Aland Islands) 12/03/2016

fantastic day!

(Australia) 11/03/2016


(Argentina) 11/03/2016

access fast and easy

(Burkina Faso) 23/02/2016

access fast and easy

(Austria) 22/02/2016

very gratefull

(Argentina) 21/02/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Antarctica) 20/02/2016

we repeat

(Angola) 18/02/2016

very gratefull

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 15/02/2016

very gratefull

(United Arab Emirates) 14/02/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Albania) 12/02/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Afghanistan) 11/02/2016

on time

(Andorra) 20/01/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burkina Faso) 19/01/2016

fantastic day!

(Benin) 18/01/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Bahrain) 18/01/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Australia) 16/01/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Armenia) 15/01/2016


(Barbados) 15/01/2016

fantastic day!

(Afghanistan) 14/01/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Afghanistan) 13/01/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Bangladesh) 13/01/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Benin) 10/01/2016

on time

+ View all opinions
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